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Pegloticase in Uncontrolled Gout: The Infusion Nurse Perspective.
Infused biologics, such as pegloticase, are a core component of managing uncontrolled gout, which is increasing in prevalence. Pegloticase is often the last line of therapy for patients with uncontrolled gout; therefore, achieving a successful course of treatment is critical. The infusion nurse's role in patient education, serum uric acid monitoring, and patient medication compliance is essential for ensuring patient safety and maximizing the number of patients who benefit from a full treatment course of pegloticase. Infusion nurses are on the front lines with patients and need to be educated on potential negative effects associated with the medications they infuse, such as infusion reactions, as well as risk management methods like patient screening and monitoring. Further, patient education provided by the infusion nurse plays a large role in empowering the patient to become their own advocate during pegloticase treatment. This educational overview includes a model patient case for pegloticase monotherapy, as well as one for pegloticase with immunomodulation and a step-by-step checklist for infusion nurses to refer to throughout the pegloticase infusion process. A video abstract is available for this article at https://links.lww.com/JIN/A105.
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