Journal Article
Randomized Controlled Trial
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Efficacy of a group-based education intervention for people with traumatic brain injury: supplementary results from a 12-month randomized controlled trial.

Brain Injury 2023 August 24
OBJECTIVE: Our team developed an attention control condition, called the Brain Health Group (BHG), for a randomized controlled trial (RCT; NCT03594734). The focus of the BHG was on brain health education and self-management. The objectives of this supplementary analysis are to (1) Describe compliance with the 12-month BHG; (2) Examine efficacy for improving general self-efficacy (GSE, primary) and secondary outcomes; and (3) Describe findings from the program evaluation.

DESIGN: English-speaking adults (18-64 years old) who were ≥6 months post a moderate-to-severe TBI were randomized to the BHG ( n  = 29) or active intervention ( n  = 28). Data were collected at baseline and 12 months, including GSE, depression, satisfaction with life (SWL), self-rated abilities for health practices (SRAHP), and alcohol use. Program evaluation was conducted at 12 months.

RESULTS: Attendance was 89%, and goal tracking was 63%. Within group analysis showed a significant increase in SRAHP scores ( p  = 0.018). Non-significant increases in GSE and SWL were observed, and participants perceived the BHG as helpful. No significant changes in depression or alcohol use were reported.

CONCLUSION: People with TBI can engage in and benefit from the BHG and perceive the program as helpful for improving knowledge about brain health and awareness of self-management skills.

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