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Comparison of Slab and Pencil Beam Labeling in Spin-labeled MR Imaging for Pancreatic Juice Flow Visualization.

The usefulness of a highly targeted pencil beam (PB) label was compared with the commonly used slab label for direct visualization of pancreaticobiliary reflux using the time-spatial labeling inversion pulse (time-SLIP) technique. Signal profiles of flow phantom images obtained with a 1.5T MRI were analyzed. Both labels had similar labeling capabilities, but the edge characteristics of the PB label were blunt. Next, sixty-eight patients were classified into two groups according to the angle of the pancreaticobiliary ducts, and the displacement of the pancreatic ducts in respiratory fluctuation was measured. The results were approximately 7 mm in both groups. The blunt edge characteristics of the PB label suggest that it is robust to respiratory fluctuations. The overall labeling ability of the PB is comparable to that of the slab. In the larger angle of pancreaticobiliary ducts, the PB label may be able to label the pancreatic duct more selectively.

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