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Mesotherapy with Bicalutamide: A New Treatment for Androgenetic Alopecia.

Bicalutamide is a selective androgen receptor antagonist. To date, it has been used orally with good efficacy results, but not in mesotherapy. In our center, we assessed whether patients undergoing bicalutamide mesotherapy showed positive responses and tolerated the local administration of bicalutamide. Six premenopausal women, with a mean age of 35.7 years and clinical diagnosis of Olsen Grade II or III female androgenetic alopecia accompanied by significant seborrhea were treated with 1 ml bicalutamide 0.5% mesotherapy. Three monthly sessions were performed. A subtle improvement in hair density was described after the third session. The overall satisfaction of the patients with the treatment was 6.3, on a scale of 1-10. Premenopausal women require several therapeutic approaches to combat severe androgenetic alopecia. Our data showed that bicalutamide mesotherapy was well tolerated and welcomed by the patients; we, therefore, provide a new tool for the management of this pathology.

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