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Mixed-methods Exploration of Telehealth-supported Long-acting Reversible Contraceptive Services in School-based Health Centers: How Much Added Value?
Journal of Pediatric Health Care 2023 May 31
INTRODUCTION: This study explored adolescent and young adult preferences and experiences with telehealth-supported long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) services in New York City school-based health centers (SBHCs) during COVID-19.
METHOD: Sequential mixed methods included post-LARC insertion surveys and in-depth interviews.
RESULTS: Survey respondents (n = 45) were aged 14-21 years and predominantly Hispanic (53.3%). Only four respondents completed a postinsertion visit via telehealth. Most (82.2%) preferred in-person for future LARC visits; none preferred telehealth. Four themes emerged in interviews (n = 15): LARC self-efficacy and autonomy; SBHC convenience and accessibility; comfort with SBHC providers; and preference for in-person visits despite telehealth benefits.
DISCUSSION: Although telehealth theoretically adds value to LARC service delivery, uptake and preference for telehealth in the SBHC context were low. Despite the perceived acceptability of telehealth, adolescents and young adults prefer in-person SBHC visits, suggesting SBHC access may eliminate barriers to care that telehealth seeks to overcome.
METHOD: Sequential mixed methods included post-LARC insertion surveys and in-depth interviews.
RESULTS: Survey respondents (n = 45) were aged 14-21 years and predominantly Hispanic (53.3%). Only four respondents completed a postinsertion visit via telehealth. Most (82.2%) preferred in-person for future LARC visits; none preferred telehealth. Four themes emerged in interviews (n = 15): LARC self-efficacy and autonomy; SBHC convenience and accessibility; comfort with SBHC providers; and preference for in-person visits despite telehealth benefits.
DISCUSSION: Although telehealth theoretically adds value to LARC service delivery, uptake and preference for telehealth in the SBHC context were low. Despite the perceived acceptability of telehealth, adolescents and young adults prefer in-person SBHC visits, suggesting SBHC access may eliminate barriers to care that telehealth seeks to overcome.
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