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Physical Performance and Falling Risk Are Associated with Five-Year Mortality in Older Adults: An Observational Cohort Study.

Medicina 2023 May 17
Background : Falls in older people have a significant impact on public health. The scientific literature has provided evidence about the necessity for older adults to be physically active, since it reduces the incidence of falls, several diseases, and deaths, and can even slow down some effects of aging. The primary aim of our study is to identify if physical performances and risk of falling are related to 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-year mortality. Its secondary aim is to establish if people with both severely impaired physical performance and a high risk of falling also present impairment in other geriatric domains. Methods : In this prospective study, we enrolled subjects aged 65 years or more, subjected them to comprehensive assessment (including assessment of risk of falling, physical capacities, comorbidities, autonomies in daily living, cognitive abilities, mood, and nutritional status), and followed them for 5 years. Results : We included 384 subjects, 280 of whom were women (72.7%), with a median age of 81 years. Our results showed that physical performances and risk of falling are highly correlated to each other (rho = 0.828). After divided the sample into three groups (people without augmented risk of falling and able to perform adequate physical activity; people with moderate risk of falling and/or disability; people with severe risk of falling and/or disability), we found that the more severe the disability and risk of falling were, the more compromised the other geriatric domains were. Moreover, the survival probability progressively increased following the same trend, amounting to only 41% in severely compromised people, 51.1% in moderately compromised people, and 62.8% in people without physical compromise nor an augmented falling risk ( p = 0.0124). Conclusions : Poor physical performance combined with a high risk of falling, correlated with each other, are associated with higher mortality and impairment in multiple domains in older adults.

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