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Safety and Effectiveness of Miltefosine in Post-Kala-Azar Dermal Leishmaniasis: An Observational Study.
Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2023 May
BACKGROUND: Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) is a dermal complication of visceral leishmaniasis. Oral miltefosine (MF) is the first-line treatment for PKDL patients in South Asia. This study assessed the safety and effectiveness of MF therapy after 12 months of follow-up to explore more precise data.
METHODS: In this observational study, 300 confirmed PKDL patients were enrolled. MF with the usual dose was administered to all patients for 12 weeks and followed up for 1 year. Clinical evolution was recorded systematically by photographs at screening and at 12 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months after treatment onset. Definitive cure consisted of disappearance of skin lesions with a negative PCR at 12 weeks or with >70% of lesions, disappearing or fading at 12-month follow-up. Patients with reappearing clinical features and any positive diagnostics of PKDL during the follow-up were considered as nonresponsive.
RESULTS: Among 300 patients, 286 (95.3%) completed 12 weeks of treatment. The per-protocol cure rate at 12 months was 97%, but 7 patients relapsed and 51 (17%) were lost to 12-month follow-up, resulting in a final cure rate of only 76%. Eye-related adverse events were noted in 11 (3.7%) patients and resolved in most (72.7%) within 12 months. Unfortunately, 3 patients had persistent partial vision loss. Mild to moderate gastrointestinal side effects were seen in 28% patients.
CONCLUSIONS: Moderate effectiveness of MF was observed in the present study. A significant number of patients developed ocular complications, and thus MF for treatment for PKDL should be suspended and replaced with a safer alternative regimen.
METHODS: In this observational study, 300 confirmed PKDL patients were enrolled. MF with the usual dose was administered to all patients for 12 weeks and followed up for 1 year. Clinical evolution was recorded systematically by photographs at screening and at 12 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months after treatment onset. Definitive cure consisted of disappearance of skin lesions with a negative PCR at 12 weeks or with >70% of lesions, disappearing or fading at 12-month follow-up. Patients with reappearing clinical features and any positive diagnostics of PKDL during the follow-up were considered as nonresponsive.
RESULTS: Among 300 patients, 286 (95.3%) completed 12 weeks of treatment. The per-protocol cure rate at 12 months was 97%, but 7 patients relapsed and 51 (17%) were lost to 12-month follow-up, resulting in a final cure rate of only 76%. Eye-related adverse events were noted in 11 (3.7%) patients and resolved in most (72.7%) within 12 months. Unfortunately, 3 patients had persistent partial vision loss. Mild to moderate gastrointestinal side effects were seen in 28% patients.
CONCLUSIONS: Moderate effectiveness of MF was observed in the present study. A significant number of patients developed ocular complications, and thus MF for treatment for PKDL should be suspended and replaced with a safer alternative regimen.
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