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Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
High Phosphate-Binding Capacity of Oxylanthanum Carbonate with a Low Medication Volume: Comparison with Commercially Available Phosphate Binders.
BACKGROUND: A key focus for chronic kidney disease management is phosphate control, but currently available binders have suboptimal phosphate-binding capacity, and their characteristics result in low adherence and poor phosphate regulation. Oxylanthanum carbonate, a novel compound that uses proprietary nanoparticle technology to deliver lanthanum, has the potential to combine high phosphate-binding capacity with good intake convenience, thus improving adherence and patient quality of life. The goal of this study was to assess the volume of oxylanthanum Carbonate required to bind 1 g of phosphate and compare it with other currently available phosphate binders to determine which binder allows for the highest normalized potency with the lowest daily medication volume.
METHODS: Six phosphate binders were assessed: ferric citrate, calcium acetate, lanthanum carbonate, sevelamer carbonate, sucroferric oxyhydroxide, and oxylanthanum carbonate. Table volume measurements were taken using fluid displacement in corn oil or water. Mean daily dose volume to bind 1 g of phosphate was calculated as volume per tablet multiplied by the mean number of tablets taken per day. Volume to bind 1 g of phosphate was calculated by dividing the volume per tablet by its in vivo binding capacity.
RESULTS: Oxylanthanum carbonate had the lowest mean volume, daily phosphate binder dose volume, and equivalent phosphate-binding dose volume (volume to bind 1 g of phosphate for each binder).
CONCLUSIONS: Oxylanthanum carbonate has the lowest daily phosphate binder dose volume and the smallest volume required to bind 1 g of phosphate compared to all other commercially available phosphate binders. A randomized trial that compares gastrointestinal tolerability across binders would be warranted to demonstrate acceptability and adherence in the target population.
METHODS: Six phosphate binders were assessed: ferric citrate, calcium acetate, lanthanum carbonate, sevelamer carbonate, sucroferric oxyhydroxide, and oxylanthanum carbonate. Table volume measurements were taken using fluid displacement in corn oil or water. Mean daily dose volume to bind 1 g of phosphate was calculated as volume per tablet multiplied by the mean number of tablets taken per day. Volume to bind 1 g of phosphate was calculated by dividing the volume per tablet by its in vivo binding capacity.
RESULTS: Oxylanthanum carbonate had the lowest mean volume, daily phosphate binder dose volume, and equivalent phosphate-binding dose volume (volume to bind 1 g of phosphate for each binder).
CONCLUSIONS: Oxylanthanum carbonate has the lowest daily phosphate binder dose volume and the smallest volume required to bind 1 g of phosphate compared to all other commercially available phosphate binders. A randomized trial that compares gastrointestinal tolerability across binders would be warranted to demonstrate acceptability and adherence in the target population.
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