Journal Article
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Preventing and Treating Infection in Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Periprosthetic infection after shoulder arthroplasty is relatively uncommon though associated with severe long-term morbidity when encountered. The purpose of the review is to summarize the recent literature regarding the definition, clinical evaluation, prevention, and management of prosthetic joint infection after reverse shoulder arthroplasty.

RECENT FINDINGS: The landmark report generated at the 2018 International Consensus Meeting on Musculoskeletal Infection has provided a framework for diagnosis, prevention, and management of periprosthetic infections after shoulder arthroplasty. Shoulder specific literature with validated interventions to reduce prosthetic joint infection is limited; however existing literature from retrospective studies and from total hip and knee arthroplasty allows us to make relative guidelines. One and two-stage revisions seem to demonstrate similar outcomes; however, no controlled comparative studies exist limiting the ability to make definitive recommendations between the two options. We report on recent literature regarding the current diagnostic, preventative, and treatment options for periprosthetic infection after shoulder arthroplasty. Much of the literature does not distinguish between anatomic and reverse shoulder arthroplasty, and further high-level shoulder specific studies are needed to answer questions generated from this review.

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