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Insulinoma with equivocal imaging.
SUMMARY: A 55-year-old patient was admitted to our department for the management of a repetitive alteration of consciousness. Biological investigation results were consistent with endogenous hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia. Insulinoma was therefore suspected. Abdominal computed tomography and endoscopic ultrasound showed no obvious pancreatic mass.Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy showed abnormal radioactive uptake in both the pancreatic tail and the uncinate process. Contrariwise, abdominal magnetic resonance imaging showed a unique lesion in the pancreas tail. The patient was then proposed for pancreatic surgery. Both intraoperative manual palpation and intraoperative ultrasonography of the pancreas showed a single corporal lesion of 1.5 cm. No lesion was found in the uncinate process. After a left pancreatectomy, the lesion was histopathologically confirmed to be a well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor. The symptoms of the patient resolved almost immediately following the surgery. The follow-up is one and a half years to date.
LEARNING POINTS: The exact preoperative localization of the pancreatic mass remains the most challenging part of insulinoma diagnostic workup. The radiologist's experience is the best warrantor to a precise localization of the tumor. 111In-DTPA-octreotide uptake in the pancreatic uncinate process may be physiological and its interpretation must, therefore, be vigilant. Manual palpation along with intraoperative ultrasonography is considered as the most effective method for the localization of insulinomas during open surgery.
LEARNING POINTS: The exact preoperative localization of the pancreatic mass remains the most challenging part of insulinoma diagnostic workup. The radiologist's experience is the best warrantor to a precise localization of the tumor. 111In-DTPA-octreotide uptake in the pancreatic uncinate process may be physiological and its interpretation must, therefore, be vigilant. Manual palpation along with intraoperative ultrasonography is considered as the most effective method for the localization of insulinomas during open surgery.
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