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Rapid-reaction kinetics of the butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase component of the electron-bifurcating crotonyl-CoA-dependent NADH:ferredoxin oxidoreductase from Megasphaera elsdenii.

We have investigated the equilibrium properties and rapid-reaction kinetics of the isolated butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (bcd) component of the electron-bifurcating crotonyl-CoA-dependent NADH:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (EtfAB:bcd) from Megasphaera elsdenii. We find that a neutral FADH• semiquinone accumulates transiently during both reduction with sodium dithionite and with NADH in the presence of catalytic concentrations of EtfAB. In both cases full reduction of bcd to the hydroquinone is eventually observed, but the accumulation of FADH• indicates that a substantial portion of reduction occurs in sequential one-electron processes rather than a single two-electron event. In rapid-reaction experiments following the reaction of reduced bcd with crotonyl-CoA and oxidized bcd with butyryl-CoA, long-wavelength-absorbing intermediates are observed that are assigned to bcdred :crotonyl-CoA and bcdox :butyryl-CoA charge-transfer complexes, demonstrating their kinetic competence in the course of the reaction. In the presence of crotonyl-CoA there is an accumulation of semiquinone that is unequivocally the anionic FAD•- rather than the neutral FADH• seen in the absence of substrate, indicating that binding of substrate/product results in ionization of the bcd semiquinone. In addition to fully characterizing the rapid-reaction kinetics of both the oxidative and reductive half-reactions, our results demonstrate that one-electron processes play an important role in the reduction of bcd in EtfAB:bcd.

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