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Enhancing Psychological Resilience: Examining the Impact of Managerial Support on Mental Health Outcomes for Saudi Ambulance Personnel.
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 2023 April 29
Ambulance personnel are among the groups with high mental health risks. This study aims to investigate the role of managerial support in determining the mental well-being of ambulance personnel, a group at high risk for mental health issues. A descriptive, cross-sectional survey design was conducted in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in February 2022, involving a convenience sample of 354 ambulance personnel. An online survey was distributed via social media platforms. Manager behavior and mental well-being were assessed using the Manager Behavior Questionnaire (MBQ) and the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (SWEMWBS). The participants represented nearly equal-sized groups from different agencies, with 50.3% residing in the Riyadh Region and 67.5% aged between 25 and 34. The mean score for manager behavior was 2.92 ± 1.124, while the mental well-being scale's mean score was 3.398 ± 0.8219. Variance analyses revealed statistically significant differences in manager behavior concerning gender, age, residence, and years of experience ( p < 0.05), as well as in the mental well-being of ambulance personnel. Generalized linear regression analysis demonstrated a statistically significant relationship between manager behavior and mental well-being ( p < 0.01). Focusing on improving organizational management behaviors is a promising strategy for enhancing mental health interventions among ambulance personnel. Further research is recommended to monitor the mental health of these professionals and develop evidence-based interventions to support their well-being.
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