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Comparison of disinfectants-induced gene expression profile: Potential adverse effects.

Despite their importance in combating the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, adverse effects of disinfectants on human health, especially the respiratory system, have been of continuing concern to researchers. Considering that bronchi are the main target of sprayed disinfectants, we here treated the seven major active ingredients in disinfectant products accepted by the US EPA to human bronchial epithelial cells and determined the subtoxic levels. Then, we performed microarray analysis using total RNA obtained at the subtoxic level and designed a network representing disinfectant-induced cellular response using the KEGG pathway analysis technique. Polyhexamethylguanidine phosphate, a lung fibrosis inducer, was used as a reference material to verify the relationship between cell death and pathology. The derived results reveal potential adverse effects along with the need for an effective application strategy for each chemical.

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