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A multicenter case-control study comparing sun exposure habits and use of photoprotection measures in patients diagnosed with different types of skin cancer.

BACKGROUND: While skin cancer awareness programs have significantly furthered public understanding about the harmful effects of the sun, there is a disparity between photoprotection knowledge and protection practices.

OBJECTIVE: To compare sun exposure habits and photoprotection measures in patients diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma versus controls.

METHODS: Multicentre case-control observational study carried out by 13 Spanish dermatologists between April 2020 and August 2022. Patients diagnosed with BCC, SCC, or melanoma were considered cases. The control group consisted of individuals with no history of skin cancer.

RESULTS: Of the 254 cases (56.2% female; mean age, 62.67 ± 15.65), 119 (31.2%) had BCC, 62 (16.27%) SCC, and 73 (19.1%) melanoma. The control group consisted of 127 (33.33%) individuals. Avoiding sun exposure between 12:00 and 16:00 was the most commonly used photoprotection measure (habitually/always: 63.1%), followed by the use of sunscreen (habitually/always: 58.9%). Patients with melanoma were less likely to use clothing and shade to avoid sun exposure (p < .05), whereas those with BCC and SCC reported greater use of head coverings (p = .01). BCC and SCC groups reported greater sun exposure 15 years prior, whereas controls reported greater use of sunscreen. However, at the time of this study all groups reported using SPF ≥ 21, and the majority SPF > 50. No differences were observed in photoprotection measures between people with and without a previous history of skin cancer.

CONCLUSIONS: We describe differences in photoprotection measures and sun exposure patterns among patients diagnosed with different skin tumor types. Whether these differences may influence the type of tumor each developed will require further investigation.

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