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Journal Article
Recent advances in diagnosis and therapy in systemic mastocytosis.
Blood Research 2023 April 30
Mastocytosis is a heterogeneous neoplasm characterized by accumulation of neoplastic mast cells in various organs. There are three main types: cutaneous mastocytosis (CM), systemic mastocytosis (SM), and mast cell sarcoma. CM mainly affects children and is confined to the skin, whereas SM affects adults and is characterized by extracutaneous involvement, with or without cutaneous involvement. Most cases of SM have an indolent clinical course; however, some types of SM have aggressive behavior and a poor prognosis. Recent advances in the understanding of the molecular changes in SM have changed the diagnosis and treatment of aggressive and advanced SM subtypes. The International Consensus Classification and World Health Organization refined the diagnostic criteria and classification of SM as a result of accumulation of clinical experience and advances in molecular diagnostics. Somatic mutations in the KIT gene, most frequently KIT D816V , are detected in 90% of patients with SM. Expression of CD30 and any KIT mutation were introduced as minor diagnostic criteria after the introduction of highly sensitive screening methods. SM has a wide spectrum of clinical features, and only a few drugs are effective at treating advanced SM. Currently, the mainstay of SM treatment is limited to the management of chronic symptoms related to release of mast cell mediators. Small-molecule kinase inhibitors targeting the KIT-downstream and KIT-independent pathways were recently approved for treating advanced SM. I describe recent advances in diagnosis of SM, and review the currently available and emerging therapeutic options for SM management.
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