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Retrospective Cohort Study of Safety Outcomes Associated with Opioid Rotations to Buprenorphine.
Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy 2023 April 25
The objective of this study was to understand the effect buprenorphine rotations have on respiratory risk and other safety outcomes. This was a retrospective observational study evaluating Veterans who underwent an opioid rotation from full-agonist opioids to buprenorphine products or to alternative opioids. The primary endpoint was change in the Risk Index for Overdose or Serious Opioid-induced Respiratory Depression (RIOSORD) score from baseline to six months post-rotation. Median baseline RIOSORD scores were 26.0 and 18.0 in the Buprenorphine Group and the Alternative Opioid Group, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between groups in baseline RIOSORD score. At six months post-rotation, median RIOSORD scores were 23.5 and 23.0 in the Buprenorphine Group and Alternative Opioid Group, respectively. The difference in change in RIOSORD scores between groups was not statistically significant ( p = 0.23). However, based on changes in RIOSORD risk class, an 11% and 0% decrease in respiratory risk was observed in the Buprenorphine and Alternative Opioid groups, respectively. This finding may be considered clinically significant given a change in risk was observed as predicted by RIOSORD score. Further research is needed to clarify the effect that opioid rotations have on respiratory depression risk and other safety outcomes.
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