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Rapidly expanding chondromyxoid fibroma of the mandible: A case report of rare entity.

Chondromyxoid fibroma is an unusual, benign bone tumour that is usually sited in the metaphyseal region of the long bones. It accounts for less than 1% of all bone tumours. It manifests predominantly in males in their second and third decades of life. Rarely, it occurs in the bones of the craniofacial skeleton. For small, lesions enucleation and curettage and for larger lesions, resection followed by are the treatment modalities available. Here, we present a case of chondromyxoid fibroma with respect to the right side of the mandible which was managed by surgical resection followed by reconstruction under general anaesthesia. Resection followed by reconstruction provides satisfactory outcomes, especially in cases with large lesions. Chondromyxoid fibroma is an asymptomatic, benign, slow-growing lesion but can rapidly expand and involve the greater area of bone. Thus, its detection at an early stage and treatment at the proper time can lead to less morbidity associated with the lesion and improved quality of life of the patient.

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