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Why comply? Risk and efficacy perceptions drive compliance in mass marketing scams.

Using a mix-method design, we examined participants' willingness to respond to mass marketing scams (MMS). In Experiment 1, we examined the effect of age (young versus older) and letter style ("hot" versus "cold") on the intention to respond. The intention of responding was negatively associated with risk ( p  < .001) and having at least a high school education was positively associated with perception of benefits (b = .684, p  < .001). In Experiment 2, we examined reward sensitivity on the intention to respond by manipulating reward amounts (low versus high) and the presence of an activation fee. The presence of an activation fee decreased intent to contact, but percentages remained high (25.75%). Analyses of qualitative data indicated that risk and benefit were both predicted by perceived self-efficacy. The results indicate that consumers' beliefs about their ability to control the outcomes of future interactions affected how they behaved when provided with MMS materials.

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