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Etiology Of Neonatal Burns: A Systematic Review.
Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters 2022 September 30
Burns in neonates are a rare pathology with a significant impact on the patient, the family and the healthcare system. At present, scarce information exists on the etiology of this type of injury. A comprehensive worldwide literature review of all publications, including our personal case series, was conducted in order to analyse the etiology of neonatal burns and summarize the available evidence. A total of 41 publications were identified in the last 4 decades, comprising of 105 cases from 20 countries, thus confirming that neonatal burns are, indeed, a rare pathology. All types of burns were recorded in neonates, the most frequent being contact burns, followed by flames and scalds. Almost 60% of burns occurred in a hospital setting due to human factors, malfunctioning devices, or hospital infrastructure deficiency. Compared to domestic burns, iatrogenic injuries occurred at an earlier age (5.4±9.1 days vs. 15.7±9.8 days, p<0.0001) and in neonates with significantly smaller weights (2102.7±1350g vs. 3197±300.8g, p<0.0001). The number of cases was almost equally distributed between developed and developing countries, but developed countries were characterised by a significantly higher preponderance of iatrogenic burns, while in developing countries domestic burns were more frequent (p<0.0001). We believe that this systematic review outlines the potential causes of neonatal burns and provides essential information for formulating prevention strategies.
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