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Reverse Lip Lift For Deep Face Burn Sequelae With Bilateral Nostril Stenosis And Lip Contracture: An Original Technique. A Case And Literature Review.

Bilateral nostril stenosis resulting from deep facial burn that occurred on an oxygen-requiring patient with tobacco use is life threatening with obstruction of the airway and impossibility of oxygen supplementation use. We report the case of a deep burn involving the nose and the upper lip during oxygen and tobacco use with a severe bilateral nostril stenosis and upper lip retraction. We did a reverse bullhorn lip lift with bilateral alar base transposition realized in a one-stage surgery with nasal conformer for 4 months. Surgery allowed a significant opening of the nostril stenosis with a 9mm and 11mm major axis on the right and left side respectively. It brought restoration of the ability to nose breath and use an oxygen device, and was considered satisfactory by the patient and the operators. There was no recurrence at 18-month follow-up. Literature provides few examples of management of severe bilateral nostril stenosis following facial deep burn. Nasal conformers with progressive diameter augmentation, rhinoplasty procedure, local plasties, dermal flap, skin and composite grafts can treat this situation but there is no gold standard procedure. Reverse bullhorn lip lift with bilateral alar base transposition makes it possible to correct this severe deep burn sequela. With this clinical case, we show the possibility to treat it in a one-stage procedure through an aesthetic procedure inspiration, with an acceptable scar on the donor site.

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