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Swelling, Stiffness, and Dysfunction Following Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Sprains.
Journal of Hand Surgery 2023 March 31
PURPOSE: Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint sprains are common injuries that often result in prolonged swelling, stiffness, and dysfunction; however, the duration of these sequelae is unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine the duration of time that patients experience finger swelling, stiffness, and dysfunction following a PIP joint sprain.
METHODS: This was a prospective, longitudinal, survey-based study. To identify patients with PIP joint sprains, the electronic medical record was queried monthly using International Classification of Disease, Tenth Revision, codes for PIP joint sprain. A five-question survey was emailed monthly for 1 year or until their response indicated resolution of swelling, whichever occurred sooner. Two cohorts were established: patients with (resolution cohort) and patients without (no-resolution cohort) self-reported resolution of swelling of the involved finger within 1 year of a PIP joint sprain injury. The measured outcomes included self-reported resolution of swelling, self-reported limitations to range of motion, limitations to activities of daily living, Visual Analog Scale (VAS) pain score, and return to normalcy.
RESULTS: Of 93 patients, 59 (63%) had complete resolution of swelling within 1 year of a PIP joint sprain. Of the patients in the resolution cohort, 42% reported return to subjective normalcy, with 47% having self-reported limitations in range of motion and 41% having limitations in activities of daily living. At the time of resolution of swelling, the average VAS pain score was 0.8 out of 10. In contrast, only 15% of patients in the no-resolution cohort reported return to subjective normalcy, with 82% having self-reported limitations in range of motion and 65% having limitations in activities of daily living. For this cohort, the average VAS pain score at 1 year was 2.6 out of 10.
CONCLUSIONS: It is common for patients to experience a prolonged duration of swelling, stiffness, and dysfunction following PIP joint sprains.
METHODS: This was a prospective, longitudinal, survey-based study. To identify patients with PIP joint sprains, the electronic medical record was queried monthly using International Classification of Disease, Tenth Revision, codes for PIP joint sprain. A five-question survey was emailed monthly for 1 year or until their response indicated resolution of swelling, whichever occurred sooner. Two cohorts were established: patients with (resolution cohort) and patients without (no-resolution cohort) self-reported resolution of swelling of the involved finger within 1 year of a PIP joint sprain injury. The measured outcomes included self-reported resolution of swelling, self-reported limitations to range of motion, limitations to activities of daily living, Visual Analog Scale (VAS) pain score, and return to normalcy.
RESULTS: Of 93 patients, 59 (63%) had complete resolution of swelling within 1 year of a PIP joint sprain. Of the patients in the resolution cohort, 42% reported return to subjective normalcy, with 47% having self-reported limitations in range of motion and 41% having limitations in activities of daily living. At the time of resolution of swelling, the average VAS pain score was 0.8 out of 10. In contrast, only 15% of patients in the no-resolution cohort reported return to subjective normalcy, with 82% having self-reported limitations in range of motion and 65% having limitations in activities of daily living. For this cohort, the average VAS pain score at 1 year was 2.6 out of 10.
CONCLUSIONS: It is common for patients to experience a prolonged duration of swelling, stiffness, and dysfunction following PIP joint sprains.
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