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Trophoblast retrieval from the cervical canal to predict abnormal pregnancy early in gestation: a pilot study.

BACKGROUND: The current detection of fetal chromosomal abnormalities by non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) mainly relies on the cell free DNA(cfDNA) in the maternal blood. However, a gestational age of less than 12 weeks or a high maternal BMI affects cfDNA fetal fraction and further the detection by NIPT negatively. In this study, we aim to retrieve the trophoblast cells from the maternal cervix to develop a new sampling method for NIPT enabling an earlier use of NIPT.

METHODS: We enrolled three patients who wanted to undergo induced abortion at Beijing Hospital between January 2022 and March 2022. Peripheral blood, cervix specimen, and the abortion tissue were collected and processed for each patient. Allele frequencies of the mutated gene loci of the maternal blood and the cervix sample were compared and the Sex Determining Region Y (SRY) gene was tested.

RESULTS: The allele frequencies of the mutated gene loci showed no significant difference between the maternal blood and the cervix sample. But we successfully detected signal of the SRY gene in the cervix sample of the only patient carrying a male fetus.

CONCLUSIONS: The detection of the SRY gene in a cervix sample indicated a successful retrieval of trophoblast cells from the cervix canal. Further study needs to be conducted to verify our finding before its application to the clinical settings.

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