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Journal Article
Top 10 Significant Spindled Head and Neck Lesions to Scrutinze.
Head and Neck Pathology 2023 March
BACKGROUND: Spindled lesions are a challenging area in head and neck pathology. This is particularly true in the sinonasal tract, where several uncommon entities with both unique and overlapping morphologic, immunophenotypic, and/or molecular features can occur.
METHODS: Review.
RESULTS: The clinicopathologic characteristics of biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma and nine important differential diagnostic considerations with one or more overlapping feature are summarized to establish a practical framework for approaching spindled lesions of the sinonasal tract.
CONCLUSION: Morphologic evaluation is central to the work up of sinonasal spindle cell lesions-in particular, cellular morphology, tumor architecture and growth pattern, and the presence of admixed epithelial elements - however, focused immunohistochemical analysis of neural, myogenic, rhabdomyoblastic, epithelial, and/or melanocytic marker expression and/or ancillary tests for tumor-specific molecular alterations may be necessary for definitive diagnosis.
METHODS: Review.
RESULTS: The clinicopathologic characteristics of biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma and nine important differential diagnostic considerations with one or more overlapping feature are summarized to establish a practical framework for approaching spindled lesions of the sinonasal tract.
CONCLUSION: Morphologic evaluation is central to the work up of sinonasal spindle cell lesions-in particular, cellular morphology, tumor architecture and growth pattern, and the presence of admixed epithelial elements - however, focused immunohistochemical analysis of neural, myogenic, rhabdomyoblastic, epithelial, and/or melanocytic marker expression and/or ancillary tests for tumor-specific molecular alterations may be necessary for definitive diagnosis.
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