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The effect of a change from face-to-face to remote positive airway pressure education for patients with sleep apnoea during the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic: a prospective cohort study.
Journal of Thoracic Disease 2023 Februrary 28
BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and national lockdowns necessitated a change in service delivery including positive airway pressure (PAP) education protocols, with no data on how this may impact subsequent PAP adherence. We aim to quantify adherence of PAP initiated during the COVID-19 pandemic and compare the effects of remote versus face-to-face (FTF) education in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).
METHODS: This prospective cohort study in a tertiary National Health Service (NHS) hospital sleep disorders centre in London, United Kingdom, included 141 patients aged >18 years with newly diagnosed OSA initiating PAP during the COVID-19 pandemic; 71 patients receiving standard FTF education compared to 70 patients educated on PAP remotely at the start of lockdown.
RESULTS: Adherence over a consecutive 30-day period within the first three months of PAP usage was measured, secondary outcomes included average nightly usage, usage per nights used, percentage of nights used, and percentage of nights used for ≥4 hours. In 141 patients (two-thirds male, 56% of at least 45 years of age and 48.9% sleepy at baseline), 114 patients (81%) were diagnosed with moderate or severe OSA. 54 patients (38.3%) achieved good adherence (≥70% of nights with ≥4 hours usage), with an average of 4.7 hours of PAP usage per night used. Patients receiving FTF PAP education had a comparable level of good adherence (38% versus 38.6%, P=0.915), and hours per nights used (4.7 versus 4.6 h/night, P=0.711) to remotely educated patients. More severe OSA, lower mask leak, and a nasal mask were associated with achieving good PAP adherence.
CONCLUSIONS: PAP adherence of newly diagnosed individuals with OSA during the COVID-19 pandemic was modest at 38.30%, and not significantly affected by remote PAP education delivery.
METHODS: This prospective cohort study in a tertiary National Health Service (NHS) hospital sleep disorders centre in London, United Kingdom, included 141 patients aged >18 years with newly diagnosed OSA initiating PAP during the COVID-19 pandemic; 71 patients receiving standard FTF education compared to 70 patients educated on PAP remotely at the start of lockdown.
RESULTS: Adherence over a consecutive 30-day period within the first three months of PAP usage was measured, secondary outcomes included average nightly usage, usage per nights used, percentage of nights used, and percentage of nights used for ≥4 hours. In 141 patients (two-thirds male, 56% of at least 45 years of age and 48.9% sleepy at baseline), 114 patients (81%) were diagnosed with moderate or severe OSA. 54 patients (38.3%) achieved good adherence (≥70% of nights with ≥4 hours usage), with an average of 4.7 hours of PAP usage per night used. Patients receiving FTF PAP education had a comparable level of good adherence (38% versus 38.6%, P=0.915), and hours per nights used (4.7 versus 4.6 h/night, P=0.711) to remotely educated patients. More severe OSA, lower mask leak, and a nasal mask were associated with achieving good PAP adherence.
CONCLUSIONS: PAP adherence of newly diagnosed individuals with OSA during the COVID-19 pandemic was modest at 38.30%, and not significantly affected by remote PAP education delivery.
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