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Long-term management of chronic constipation in children.
Journal of Pediatric Surgery 1987 October
A retrospective clinical study was conducted to determine the success of a strict regimen employing the prolonged use of daily enemas in 203 children with chronic constipation. This study confirmed that the use of long-term daily enemas did eliminate constipation as well as the primary complaint of fecal soiling. The majority of children treated had an excellent to good result (85.8%) over an extended period of time. Patients with a past medical history of imperforate anus or Hirschsprung's disease required longer treatment periods (32.6 and 20.1 months, respectively) than children with other medical problems (rectal prolapse, rectal stricture, malrotation, spina bifida, mental retardation, psychological; 13 months) or patients with functional constipation (5.9 months).
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