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Translation and validation of the PPSC-PNP instrument to measure parental satisfaction with care from pediatric nurses in China.

PURPOSE: To modify and translate the Parents' Perceptions of Satisfaction with Care from Pediatric Nurse Practitioners instrument into Chinese, culturally adapt and initially test it to assess parental satisfaction with care from all levels of pediatric nurses in a pediatric inpatient care context.

DESIGN AND METHODS: The instrument was translated and culturally adapted following a standardized guideline for the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures. Content validity, discriminative validity, internal consistency and test-retest reliability were examined.

RESULTS: Four main issues were identified in the translation and cultural adaptation stage. Modifications were therefore made to the Chinese Parents' Perceptions of Satisfaction with Care from Pediatric Nurses instrument. The item-level content validity indexes for the Chinese instrument ranged between 0.83 and 1.0. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.95, and the intra-class correlation coefficient for test-retest reliability was 0.44.

CONCLUSION: The Chinese Parents' Perceptions of Satisfaction with Care from Pediatric Nurses instrument has good content validity and internal consistency and can be considered a suitable clinical evaluation tool to measure parental satisfaction with care from pediatric nurses in pediatric inpatient settings in China.

PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The instrument is anticipated to be useful in strategic planning for Chinese nurse managers responsible for patient safety and quality of care. Additionally, it has the potential to serve as a tool to enable international comparisons in parental satisfaction with care from pediatric nurses after further testing.

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