Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Prevalence of genetically confirmed skeletal muscle channelopathies in the era of next generation sequencing.

We provide an up-to-date and accurate minimum point prevalence of genetically defined skeletal muscle channelopathies which is important for understanding the population impact, planning for treatment needs and future clinical trials. Skeletal muscle channelopathies include myotonia congenita (MC), sodium channel myotonia (SCM), paramyotonia congenita (PMC), hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (hyperPP), hypokalemic periodic paralysis (hypoPP) and Andersen- Tawil Syndrome (ATS). Patients referred to the UK national referral centre for skeletal muscle channelopathies and living in UK were included to calculate the minimum point prevalence using the latest data from the Office for National Statistics population estimate. We calculated a minimum point prevalence of all skeletal muscle channelopathies of 1.99/100 000 (95% CI 1.981-1.999). The minimum point prevalence of MC due to CLCN1 variants is 1.13/100 000 (95% CI 1.123-1.137), SCN4A variants which encode for PMC and SCM is 0.35/100 000 (95% CI 0.346 - 0.354) and for periodic paralysis (HyperPP and HypoPP) 0.41/100 000 (95% CI 0.406-0.414). The minimum point prevalence for ATS is 0.1/100 000 (95% CI 0.098-0.102). There has been an overall increase in point prevalence in skeletal muscle channelopathies compared to previous reports, with the biggest increase found to be in MC. This can be attributed to next generation sequencing and advances in clinical, electrophysiological and genetic characterisation of skeletal muscle channelopathies.

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