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Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Ophthalmological outcome of 6.5 years children treated for retinopathy of prematurity: a Swedish register study.
British Journal of Ophthalmology 2023 December 18
AIMS: To determine the ophthalmological outcome at 6.5 years of age in children treated for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), and registered in the national Swedish National Register for ROP register.
METHODS: Data on ROP, treatment and ophthalmological outcome were retrieved from the register. Visual acuity (VA), refractive errors and strabismus, together with visual impairment (VI) and any significant eye problem, defined as VA >0.5 logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution (logMAR) and/or strabismus and/or any refractive error were analysed. Risk factors such as sex, gestational age (GA), birth weight SD score, number of treatments and retreatments, postnatal age and postmenstrual age at first treatment were analysed.
RESULTS: Follow-up data were available in 232 of 270 children born between 2007 and 2014 who had been treated for ROP. VI (VA >0.5 logMAR) was found in 32 (14%), strabismus in 82 (38%), refractive errors in 114 (52%) and significant eye problem in 143 (65%) children. Retreatment was a risk factor for VI and refractive errors. Male sex and neonatal brain lesion were risk factors for strabismus. An additional week of GA at birth reduced the risk for refractive errors, strabismus and significant eye problems.
CONCLUSION: The results of the present study revealed a high number of eye problems in children treated for ROP, emphasising the need for long-term follow-up. Retreatment of ROP was a risk factor for VI, and emphasises the importance of an accurate first treatment for the long-term ophthalmological outcome.
METHODS: Data on ROP, treatment and ophthalmological outcome were retrieved from the register. Visual acuity (VA), refractive errors and strabismus, together with visual impairment (VI) and any significant eye problem, defined as VA >0.5 logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution (logMAR) and/or strabismus and/or any refractive error were analysed. Risk factors such as sex, gestational age (GA), birth weight SD score, number of treatments and retreatments, postnatal age and postmenstrual age at first treatment were analysed.
RESULTS: Follow-up data were available in 232 of 270 children born between 2007 and 2014 who had been treated for ROP. VI (VA >0.5 logMAR) was found in 32 (14%), strabismus in 82 (38%), refractive errors in 114 (52%) and significant eye problem in 143 (65%) children. Retreatment was a risk factor for VI and refractive errors. Male sex and neonatal brain lesion were risk factors for strabismus. An additional week of GA at birth reduced the risk for refractive errors, strabismus and significant eye problems.
CONCLUSION: The results of the present study revealed a high number of eye problems in children treated for ROP, emphasising the need for long-term follow-up. Retreatment of ROP was a risk factor for VI, and emphasises the importance of an accurate first treatment for the long-term ophthalmological outcome.
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