Journal Article
Systematic Review
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Management of biologics in pregnant, lactating patients with inflammatory bowel disease and the impact on neonatal vaccination: A systematic review of clinical practice guidelines and consensus statements.

WHAT IS KNOWN AND OBJECTIVE: The management of biological agents during pregnancy poses challenges as maternal and infant safety must be addressed. This study aims to compare the recommendations of existing guidelines on managing the use of biologics during pregnancy, lactation for patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and the influence on neonatal vaccination.

METHODS: The PubMed, EMBASE, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang database, China Science and Technology Journal Database and China Biomedical Database were systematically searched from the inception date to 11 May 2022, to screen all relevant guidelines. Quality assessment was performed using the guideline methodology reporting tool AGREE II.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Fourteen guidelines and consensus statements with detailed recommendations were included. All guidance documents cover management comments during pregnancy, and most consider that biologics can be given safely during pregnancy but require suspension at the right time to protect the foetus. However, the roles of vedolizumab and ustekinumab are disputed. Five documents guide lactation and the use of most biologics during lactation is safe, but no guidelines recommend vedolizumab. Six papers provide recommendations for newborns' vaccination, suggesting a delay in infants' live vaccination schedule if their mothers are treated with biologics.

WHAT IS NEW AND CONCLUSION: Our study concluded that future guidelines could consider incorporating newer, more robust evidence to update recommendations. The development of future guidelines needs to consider the involvement of multidisciplinary experts, adequately report on the evidence retrieval process, and provide strategies for implementation. Besides, more research is needed to explore the use of biologics during pregnancy and lactation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

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