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Individualized prediction of consummatory anhedonia from functional connectome in major depressive disorder.

Depression and Anxiety 2022 November 3
BACKGROUND: Anhedonia is a key symptom of major depressive disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric diseases. The neural basis of anhedonia has been widely examined, yet the interindividual variability in neuroimaging biomarkers underlying individual-specific symptom severity is not well understood.

METHODS: To establish an individualized prediction model of anhedonia, we applied connectome-based predictive modeling (CPM) to whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity profiles of MDD patients.

RESULTS: The CPM can successfully and reliably predict individual consummatory but not anticipatory anhedonia. The predictive model mainly included salience network (SN), frontoparietal network (FPN), default mode network (DMN), and motor network. Importantly, subsequent computational lesion prediction and consummatory-specific model prediction revealed that connectivity of the SN with DMN and FPN is essential and specific for the prediction of consummatory anhedonia.

CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that brain functional connectivity, especially the connectivity of SN-FPN and SN-DMN, can specifically predict individualized consummatory anhedonia in MDD. These findings suggest the potential of functional connectomes for the diagnosis and prognosis of anhedonia in MDD and other disorders.

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