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A qualitative evaluation of the "RISE" elder abuse intervention from the perspective of adult protective services caseworkers: addressing a service system gap.
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect 2022 October 31
Our understanding of effective elder abuse (EA) response interventions is limited. Adult Protective Services (APS), the primary agency responsible for responding to EA, lacks a coherent, conceptually driven, prolonged intervention phase. Informed by an ecological-systems perspective and adapting evidence-based modalities from other fields, the RISE EA intervention addresses this APS systems gap. Based on a three-year pilot project involving a partnership between RISE and Maine APS, the current study conducted a qualitative evaluation of RISE, from the perspective of APS caseworkers (n = 14) who worked with RISE, to understand RISE strengths and areas for improvement. Findings suggest APS workers perceive that RISE complements the scope and nature of APS, enhances APS caseworker well-being, and reduces repeat APS cases, while further APS/RISE collaboration and clarification on RISE role responsibilities and referral eligibilities are areas of growth. This study provides preliminary evidence for RISE as a community-based EA intervention in partnership with APS.
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