Journal Article
Multicenter Study
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Baricitinib 2 mg for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in North America: Long-term efficacy and patient-reported outcomes.

Dermatologic Therapy 2022 December
To address the need for long-term efficacy and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) data for patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) treated with baricitinib 2 mg, a study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of baricitinib 2 mg in adult patients with moderate-to-severe AD. Data presented here provided efficacy and outcomes data for patients treated for 52 weeks. Patients who participated in the originating study, BREEZE-AD5 (NCT03435081), and met additional eligibility criteria could enroll in the multicenter, open-label, Phase 3, long-term extension study BREEZE-AD6 (NCT03559270). Patients received baricitinib 2 mg for the duration of BREEZE-AD6. In BREEZE-AD6, the proportion of patients who achieved a 75% improvement in the Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI75) and validated Investigator Global Assessment for AD (vIGA-AD™) of 0 (clear) or 1 (almost clear) were assessed through 52 weeks, in addition to several PROs. At week 52, the proportion of patients treated with baricitinib 2 mg daily achieving EASI75 was 48.6% (70/144), and 31.3% (45/144) of patients achieved a vIGA-AD score of 0 or 1 (clear or almost clear). Improvements in PROs such as SCORing Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD, itch and sleep) scores, Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) total score, and DLQI ≤5 response were observed, and these responses were sustained through 52 weeks. Long-term efficacy of baricitinib in patients with AD was demonstrated by both clinician and patient-reported outcome measures.

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