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Recurrence of a second trimester fundal uterine rupture at the old scar site: A case report.
Radiology Case Reports 2022 November
Uterine rupture is a rare life-threatening complication. It can occur in all 3 trimesters with the first and the second being a rarity. It mainly occurs in the third trimester or during labor in a previously scarred uterus. It is rare in an unscarred uterus. The risk fold is further enhanced by the induction and augmentation with prostaglandins and oxytocin. The clinical diagnosis at this early gestation can be a dilemma to the attending physician as in this case. (1) The patient was a holidaymaker with no documented evidence of a dating scan to suggest any evidence of an ovarian/placental pathology at that stage. (2) The ultrasound findings in our department did suggest a viable intrauterine pregnancy with free fluid within both the adnexa. A 6 cm solid homogenous mass in the midline/right adnexa suggested an ovarian torsion or bowel pathology. The differentials in this particular case were that of a ruptured hemorrhagic cyst, ovarian torsion and even a heterotrophic pregnancy as there had been a few documented cases in the department. Ultrasound diagnosis of an intrauterine pregnancy together with a fluid collection does not suggest by any means that the uterus is intact or there is no ectopic pregnancy.
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