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Update on Toxic Neuropathies.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Toxic neuropathies are an important preventable and treatable form of peripheral neuropathy. While many forms of toxic neuropathies have been recognized for decades, an updated review is provided to increase vigilant in this area of neurology. A literature review was conducted to gather recent information about toxic neuropathies, which included the causes, clinical findings, and treatment options in these conditions.

RECENT FINDINGS: Toxic neuropathies continue to cause significant morbidity throughout the world and the causative agents, particularly with regards to medications, do not appear to be diminishing. A wide variety of causes of toxic neuropathies exist, which include alcohol, industrial chemicals, biotoxins, and medications. Unfortunately, no breakthrough treatments have been developed and prevention and symptom management remain the standard of care.

SUMMARY: A detailed medication, occupational and hobby exposure history is critical to identifying toxic neuropathies. Increased research is warranted to identify mechanisms of neurotoxic susceptibility and potential common pathomechanistic pathways for treatment across diverse toxic neuropathies.

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