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Journal Article
Uses of Antibiotics Alone in Case of Uncomplicated Appendicitis.
Curēus 2022 August
The frequent abdominal surgical emergency is acute appendicitis with a significantly less lifelong risk. One of the most common surgeries manifested is an appendectomy, but with recent advances, non-operative management has evolved using antibiotics. In adult patients with simple appendicitis, we identified the role of surgical and non-surgical therapy. One of the most common surgeries manifested is an appendectomy, but with recent advances, non-operative management has evolved using antibiotics. In adults suffering from mild appendicitis, we identified the role of surgical and non-surgical therapy. The analysis indicated that the Antibiotics versus Primary Appendectomy in Children (APAC) did not establish non-inferiority of antibiotics vs. appendectomy with a pre-specified small margin. In contrast to the majority of appendectomies that are carried out laparoscopically, the surgeries were almost usually open. Appendectomies, both laparoscopic and open, are not the same procedure. Antibiotic therapy is effective in about 60% of cases of simple appendicitis. A surgery-only strategy would reduce antibiotic exposure, a factor to consider in these days of antimicrobial stewardship. Therefore, studies are being conducted on whether to shift alone on antibiotics or with appendectomy to have better results with fewer complications. Future studies should focus on appendicitis features and long-term unfavorable consequences, including antibiotic resistance or Clostridium difficile colitis, most responsive to antibiotics by utilizing laparoscopic procedures as controls. Using it along with appendectomy may change the outcome showing a better prognosis.
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