Journal Article
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The Impact of Social Workers in Cirrhosis Care: a Systematic Review.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To report social workers' involvement in supporting patients with cirrhosis.

RECENT FINDINGS: Six intervention studies (three published in the past 3 years) highlighed the potential role of social worker-led interventions to improve the outcomes of patients with cirrhosis. In studies of patients with alcohol-related liver disease ( n  = 4), social workers conducted psychosocial assessments, screened for substance use disorder and psychological distress, coordinated referrals to addiction services, and provided relapse prevention therapy. In studies including transplant recipients or candidates ( n  = 2), social workers focused on psychosocial interventions. In two studies ( n  = 1 patient with alcohol-related liver disease; n  = 1 transplant recipients), social workers provided practical support (e.g., housing, transportation). Most articles provided limited information about the intervention and the role of the social worker, making comparisons of the studies difficult.

SUMMARY: More high-quality evidence is needed to formally assess the impact of social workers in improving the outcomes of patients with cirrhosis.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11938-022-00381-2.

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