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Exploring the Unmet Needs of Postpartum Mothers: A Qualitative Study.
Journal of Perinatal Education 2022 April 1
This study aimed to identify unmet needs of mothers in the postpartum period. Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted two weeks postpartum with a convenience sample of 26 mothers who gave birth at an academic medical center. Topics included mothers' concerns, levels of preparedness, educational needs and preferences during antepartum, labor and birth, and postpartum periods. Data were qualitatively analyzed using NVivo and a combination of open coding and theoretical coding, based on the Perinatal Maternal Health Promotion Model. Three major themes emerged: concerns, expectations, and positive coping strategies, with variations by previous maternal experience. Findings suggest the need for different models of care with more anticipatory, mother-centered care to better meet mothers' needs and enhance postpartum outcomes and breastfeeding success.
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