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A temporal analysis of mental health symptoms relative to separation from the military.

BACKGROUND: The transition from military to civilian life is a dramatic change that is often stressful for veterans. However, little is known regarding how mental health symptoms fluctuate in the period leading up to and following separation from the military.

METHODS: The current study examined posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms reported on surveys completed within 1 year of military separation from 23,887 active duty Millennium Cohort Study participants. A series of general linear models and graphs stratified by demographic and military characteristics examined the association between time until/since separation and mental health symptoms.

RESULTS: Character of discharge had the most striking relationship between time until/since separation and mental health. Personnel with Honorable discharges did not differ in their level of mental health symptoms across the study period. In contrast, personnel with Other than Honorable/General discharges reported normal levels of mental health symptoms 1 year-prior to separation but reported progressively greater symptoms leading to separation which persisted through the remainder of study period.

CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that additional outreach is needed for personnel with Other than Honorable/General discharges. However, for most other personnel, increased mental health symptomatology around military separation is not a normative phenomenon and any instance should be treated promptly.

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