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Improved assessment of middle ear recurrent/residual cholesteatomas using temporal subtraction CT.
Japanese Journal of Radiology 2021 October 24
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the usefulness of temporal subtraction CT (TSCT) of temporal bone CT for the detection of postoperative recurrent/residual cholesteatoma of the middle ear.
METHODS: Thirty-two consecutive patients with surgically proven postoperative recurrent/residual cholesteatoma and 14 consecutive patients without recurrent/residual lesion matched the selection criteria and were retrospectively evaluated. TSCT imaging was generated with the use of serial postoperative CT. Two experienced radiologists and two residents evaluated the presence of bone erosive change by comparison serial CT studies, and CT and TSCT. The detection rate of bone erosive change, sensitivity and specificity of the recurrence/residual lesions, and reading time for each reader were evaluated.
RESULTS: TSCT + CT significantly improved the detection of bone erosive changes compared to CT-only evaluation (17.4-41.3% vs. 37.0-58.7%, p = 0.008-0.046). The mean sensitivity and specificity of TSCT + CT for experienced radiologists were 0.77 and 1.00, and 0.52 and 0.97 without TSCT. The mean sensitivity and specificity of TSCT + CT for residents were 0.64 and 1.00, and 0.41 and 1.00 without TSCT. Sensitivity showed an increase in all readers. The use of TSCT significantly reduced the reading time per case in all readers (p < 0.001).
CONCLUSION: TSCT improves the depiction of newly occurring progressive bone erosive changes, and detection sensitivity and reading time in postoperative recurrence/residual cholesteatoma of middle ear.
METHODS: Thirty-two consecutive patients with surgically proven postoperative recurrent/residual cholesteatoma and 14 consecutive patients without recurrent/residual lesion matched the selection criteria and were retrospectively evaluated. TSCT imaging was generated with the use of serial postoperative CT. Two experienced radiologists and two residents evaluated the presence of bone erosive change by comparison serial CT studies, and CT and TSCT. The detection rate of bone erosive change, sensitivity and specificity of the recurrence/residual lesions, and reading time for each reader were evaluated.
RESULTS: TSCT + CT significantly improved the detection of bone erosive changes compared to CT-only evaluation (17.4-41.3% vs. 37.0-58.7%, p = 0.008-0.046). The mean sensitivity and specificity of TSCT + CT for experienced radiologists were 0.77 and 1.00, and 0.52 and 0.97 without TSCT. The mean sensitivity and specificity of TSCT + CT for residents were 0.64 and 1.00, and 0.41 and 1.00 without TSCT. Sensitivity showed an increase in all readers. The use of TSCT significantly reduced the reading time per case in all readers (p < 0.001).
CONCLUSION: TSCT improves the depiction of newly occurring progressive bone erosive changes, and detection sensitivity and reading time in postoperative recurrence/residual cholesteatoma of middle ear.
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