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Evaluation of vapocoolant spray effect on pain reduction during digital nerve block: A randomized clinical trial.

INTRODUCTION: The digital nerve block is an effective method of anesthesia before minor surgical interventions on the fingers. However, patients may experience a lot of pain and anxiety during this procedure. The efficacy of topical vapocoolant spray during minor procedures has been demonstrated in previous studies. we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of topical vapocoolant spray in reducing pain during digital nerve block.

METHODS: This prospective, randomized clinical study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of vapocoolant spray application in reducing pain during digital block. The patients were categorized into 2 groups as spray-treated and control group. A routine digital block process was applied to the control group. Spray application was performed in two groups of 50 each, in a manner of bilateral and unilateral to the finger. Demographic data of the patients, such as gender, age, dominant hand, injury patterns, injection site and injury sites, were recorded. After the application, the patients' visual analog scale (VAS) was evaluated.

RESULTS: Of the participants, 100 were randomly assigned to the vapocoolant spray-treated group, and 50 were included in the control group. The VAS pain score during penetration in both spray groups was significantly lower than the control group (p < 0.001). Pain change during penetration was found to be significantly lower in the bilateral spray-treated group compared to the control group (p < 0.001). Pain change during infiltration was significantly lower in both spray groups compared to the control group (p < 0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: Spray application prior to digital nerve blocking can be used to reduce needle penetration pain associated with this procedure and pain associated with local anesthetic infiltration.

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