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Journal Article
Arteries of the Lower Limb-Embryology, Variations, and Clinical Significance.
Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2022 Februrary
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this article is to review the embryology of the lower limb arterial anatomy along with common variants and their clinical relevance.
DESIGN: Embryologic variations of the lower limb arterial system may be explained by i.) persistence of primordial arterial segments, ii.) abnormal fusion, iii.) segmental hypoplasia/absence, or a combination of both. Persistent sciatic artery, corona mortis, and popliteal entrapment syndrome will also be discussed with associated symptoms, and potential complications.
CONCLUSION: Knowledge of these variations is essential for surgical and endovascular management as failure to recognize them can result in complications.
DESIGN: Embryologic variations of the lower limb arterial system may be explained by i.) persistence of primordial arterial segments, ii.) abnormal fusion, iii.) segmental hypoplasia/absence, or a combination of both. Persistent sciatic artery, corona mortis, and popliteal entrapment syndrome will also be discussed with associated symptoms, and potential complications.
CONCLUSION: Knowledge of these variations is essential for surgical and endovascular management as failure to recognize them can result in complications.
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