Journal Article
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Lancet 2021 April 3
Psoriasis is a common, chronic papulosquamous skin disease occurring worldwide, presenting at any age, and leading to a substantial burden for individuals and society. It is associated with several important medical conditions, including depression, psoriatic arthritis, and cardiometabolic syndrome. Its most common form, chronic plaque or psoriasis vulgaris, is a consequence of genetic susceptibility, particularly in the presence of the HLA-C*06:02 risk allele, and of environmental triggers such as streptococcal infection, stress, smoking, obesity, and alcohol consumption. There are several phenotypes and research has separated pustular from chronic plaque forms. Immunological and genetic studies have identified IL-17 and IL-23 as key drivers of psoriasis pathogenesis. Immune targeting of these cytokines and of TNFα by biological therapies has revolutionised the care of severe chronic plaque disease. Psoriasis cannot currently be cured, but management should aim to minimise physical and psychological harm by treating patients early in the disease process, identifying and preventing associated multimorbidity, instilling lifestyle modifications, and employing a personalised approach to treatment.

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