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Mandibular access osteotomy: Gate way to parapharyngeal space - A case report.
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 2021 Februrary 22
INTRODUCTION: Para pharyngeal tumors often pose a challenge to surgeons for surgical interventions. Maxillofacial access osteotomies offer excellent visualization and permit unhindered surgical manipulation. Access osteotomy allows the surgeon an adequate access of the surgical field to resect the tumor completely and to preserve vital structures. Though numerous techniques exist, selection of the proper technique is the key factor in reestablishing the function and cosmesis. This article describes our experience with mandibular swing approach that has facilitated complete removal of a parapharyngeal space tumor.
CASE PRESENTATION: 35years old female complained of deviation of tongue to one side and swallowing difficulty. Clinical and radiographic examinations were suggestive of a skull base lesion involving the hypoglossal nerve. After evaluation the tumor was excised through a mandibulotomy approach. Post operatively the patient was relieved completely of the symptoms and without any postoperative sequalae.
CLINICAL DISCUSSION: Accessibility is the main concern while dealing with skull base lesions. But the success of surgery lies on the selection of right approach. Paramedian mandibular swing approach has its own advantages over various other facial osteotomies. The swinging of the mandible gives advantage of accessing neck and skull base together, which is not possible with other facial osteotomies.
CONCLUSION: Management of skull base tumors involve a multidisciplinary approach. Choosing the right approach is often a major dilemma. Access osteotomies of facial skeleton is a hatchway to the skull base lesions. Of which mandibular swing approach is a good option for skull base tumors because of the ease of surgical technique even in inexperienced hands.
CASE PRESENTATION: 35years old female complained of deviation of tongue to one side and swallowing difficulty. Clinical and radiographic examinations were suggestive of a skull base lesion involving the hypoglossal nerve. After evaluation the tumor was excised through a mandibulotomy approach. Post operatively the patient was relieved completely of the symptoms and without any postoperative sequalae.
CLINICAL DISCUSSION: Accessibility is the main concern while dealing with skull base lesions. But the success of surgery lies on the selection of right approach. Paramedian mandibular swing approach has its own advantages over various other facial osteotomies. The swinging of the mandible gives advantage of accessing neck and skull base together, which is not possible with other facial osteotomies.
CONCLUSION: Management of skull base tumors involve a multidisciplinary approach. Choosing the right approach is often a major dilemma. Access osteotomies of facial skeleton is a hatchway to the skull base lesions. Of which mandibular swing approach is a good option for skull base tumors because of the ease of surgical technique even in inexperienced hands.
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