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Locating Hormone-Releasing Contraceptive Implants Using Near-Infrared Light.

BACKGROUND: Long-term hormone-releasing contraceptive (etonogestrel) implants are highly effective in preventing pregnancy. In a minority of patients, implants cannot be located by palpation, increasing the risk of complications related to removal. Ultrasonography can be used to locate migrated or deeply inserted implants, but this requires expertise. Thus, alternative methods to locate contraceptive implants are needed.

METHOD: Near-infrared light is sometimes used to facilitate venipuncture and has been described as a technique to locate implanted glucose sensors. Herein, I describe using near-infrared light to locate contraceptive implants. The near-infrared light was positioned perpendicularly and held 33 cm away from the arm. As soon as it is powered up, a reflection of the contraceptive implant is noticeable on the skin. The location of the implant is then marked before the removal procedure.

EXPERIENCE: This method allowed the easy location of nonpalpable etonogestrel implants in five women.

CONCLUSION: Near-infrared light was successful in locating nonpalpable etonogestrel implants. This novel method can be used as an alternative to ultrasonography.

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