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The #Enzian classification: A comprehensive non-invasive and surgical description system for endometriosis.

Advances in preoperative diagnostics as well as in surgical techniques for the treatment of endometriosis, especially for deep endometriosis, call for a classification system, that includes all aspects of the disease such as peritoneal endometriosis, ovarian endometriosis, deep endometriosis, and secondary adhesions. The widely accepted revised American Society for Reproductive Medicine classification (rASRM) has certain limitations because of its incomplete description of deep endometriosis. In contrast, the Enzian classification, which has been implemented in the last decade, has proved to be the most suitable tool for staging deep endometriosis, but does not include peritoneal or ovarian disease or adhesions. To overcome these limitations, a comprehensive classification system for complete mapping of endometriosis, including anatomical location, size of the lesions, adhesions and degree of involvement of the adjacent organs, that can be used with both diagnostic and surgical methods, has been created through a consensus process and will be described in detail-the #Enzian classification.

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