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Peptide ACTH 4-7 -PGP: Effects on Various Types of Pain and Pain-Induced Behavior in Rats after Systemic and Central Administration.

The effects of peptide ACTH4-7-PGP (Semax) were studied in 12 min after its intraperitoneal (in doses of 5, 15, 50, 150, and 450 μg/kg) or intracerebroventricular (in doses of 16, 40, and 400 pg) administration to rats with different types of pain and pain-induced behavior. It was found that the peptide increased pain sensitivity and induced avoidance behavior during thermal stimulation ("hot plate" test), but had an analgesic effect (more pronounced after central administration) and weakened emotional-affective behavior in electrocutaneous stimulation of the paws (foot-shock model) and tail in rats. It was shown that changes in activity of supraspinal brain structures were of primary importance in the mechanism of action on the nociceptive process and the formation of behavior.

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