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Using Mobile Technologies Among Undergraduate Nursing Students for Academic Purposes in Tertiary Education: A Quantitative Survey.

Mobile devices are increasingly part of daily life, with the benefits of using the technology in nursing education widely recognized. This study explored the use of mobile devices among undergraduate nursing students for academic purposes in South Africa, using a quantitative survey. The majority of participants owned smartphones (87.6%), followed by laptops (76%) and tablets (47.1%). Mobile devices were used to perform academic tasks and communicate and collaborate with peers and teachers, as well as search and access electronic resources. Few of the first year nursing students owned laptops and tablets and used them less frequently than the students from other levels of the study. Equipping nursing students with mobile devices, such as laptops and tablets, particularly first year students, and ensuring that they have adequate skills to use them, is essential to training future nurses who are expected to work in a technology-mediated health environment.

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