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Factors Associated With Psychological Readiness to Return to Sports With Cutting, Pivoting, and Jump-Landings After Primary ACL Reconstruction.
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2020 November
BACKGROUND: High psychological readiness is an important element for returning to sports after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Identifying factors that contribute to psychological readiness is essential for planning interventions to return to play. No studies have used multivariate analysis to clarify factors associated with psychological readiness to return to specific sports.
HYPOTHESIS: To identify factors that contribute to an athlete's psychological readiness to return after ACL reconstruction to sports that require cutting, pivoting, and jump-landings.
STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3.
METHODS: Study participants were athletes who before injury had participated in sports with limited contact that required cutting, pivoting, and jump-landings (basketball, soccer, futsal, volleyball, badminton, tennis, and frisbee) and hoped to return to the same sport after reconstruction. Psychological readiness was measured using the Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Return to Sport After Injury Scale (ACL-RSI) in athletes more than 6 months after primary ACL reconstruction. To clarify factors associated with the ACL-RSI, univariate regression analysis and multivariate regression analysis were performed using the following independent variables: age, sex, body mass index, time from injury to reconstruction, time from reconstruction to testing, meniscal surgery, modified Tegner activity scale before injury, kinesiophobia, limb symmetry index of knee strength, limb symmetry indices of single-leg hop (SLH) distances, and subjective running ability.
RESULTS: Higher subjective running ability, a lower kinesiophobia score, and greater limb symmetry in the lateral SLH were positively associated with psychological readiness.
CONCLUSION: The psychological readiness of athletes aiming to return after ACL reconstruction to limited-contact sports that require cutting, pivoting, and jump-landings was affected by subjective running ability, kinesiophobia, and asymmetry of lateral SLH distance. This information may be useful in planning appropriate interventions and thereby increasing the likelihood of an athlete's returning to such sports.
HYPOTHESIS: To identify factors that contribute to an athlete's psychological readiness to return after ACL reconstruction to sports that require cutting, pivoting, and jump-landings.
STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3.
METHODS: Study participants were athletes who before injury had participated in sports with limited contact that required cutting, pivoting, and jump-landings (basketball, soccer, futsal, volleyball, badminton, tennis, and frisbee) and hoped to return to the same sport after reconstruction. Psychological readiness was measured using the Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Return to Sport After Injury Scale (ACL-RSI) in athletes more than 6 months after primary ACL reconstruction. To clarify factors associated with the ACL-RSI, univariate regression analysis and multivariate regression analysis were performed using the following independent variables: age, sex, body mass index, time from injury to reconstruction, time from reconstruction to testing, meniscal surgery, modified Tegner activity scale before injury, kinesiophobia, limb symmetry index of knee strength, limb symmetry indices of single-leg hop (SLH) distances, and subjective running ability.
RESULTS: Higher subjective running ability, a lower kinesiophobia score, and greater limb symmetry in the lateral SLH were positively associated with psychological readiness.
CONCLUSION: The psychological readiness of athletes aiming to return after ACL reconstruction to limited-contact sports that require cutting, pivoting, and jump-landings was affected by subjective running ability, kinesiophobia, and asymmetry of lateral SLH distance. This information may be useful in planning appropriate interventions and thereby increasing the likelihood of an athlete's returning to such sports.
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