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Pediatric Psoriasis Comorbidities.
Skin Therapy Letter 2020 November
While the association between psoriasis and various comorbidities is well documented in adults, questions remain as to whether the same relationships exist in the pediatric population. However, psoriasis develops in childhood or adolescence in approximately 40% of patients, suggesting that the risk of comorbidities may also begin early in life. This presents an opportunity for prevention, early detection and intervention for children who may suffer from, or be at risk of, comorbidities. The pediatric psoriasis Comorbidity Screening Initiative, a multidisciplinary panel, devised and published consensus-based screening recommendations for pediatric psoriasis patients in 2017. As these guidelines closely align with the routine age-related screening recommendations for healthy children set forth by the American Academy of Pediatrics, in the absence of signs and symptoms of comorbidities prompting additional evaluation, dermatologists should partner with patients' primary care physicians to ensure up-to-date, routine, and age-based screening.
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