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Journal Article
The efficient Lamarckian spread of life in the cosmos.
Advances in Genetics 2020
In this Chapter we discuss the various mechanisms that are available for the possible transfer of cosmic microbial living systems from one cosmic habitat to another. With the 100 or so habitable planets that are now known to exist in our galaxy alone transfers of cometary dust carrying life including fragments of icy planetoids/asteroids would be expected to occur on a routine basis. It is thus easy to view the galaxy as a single connected "biosphere" of which our planet Earth is a minor component. The Hoyle-Wickramasinghe Panspermia paradigm provides a cogent biological rationale for the actual widespread existence of Lamarckian modes of inheritance in terrestrial systems (which we review here). Thus the Panspermia paradigm provides the raison d'etre for Lamarckian Inheritance. Under a terrestrially confined neoDarwinian viewpoint such an association may have been thought spurious in the past. Our aim here is to outline the main evidence for rapid terrestrial-based Lamarckian-based evolutionary hypermutation processes dependent on reverse transcription-coupled mechanisms among others. Such rapid adaptation mechanisms would be consistent with the effective cosmic spread of living systems. For example, a viable, or cryo-preserved, living system traveling through space in a protective matrix will of necessity need to adapt rapidly and proliferate on landing in a new cosmic niche. Lamarckian mechanisms thus come to the fore and supersede the slow (blind and random) genetic processes expected under neoDarwinian Earth centred theories.
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